The Transform sub-menu contains several predefined rotate functions and a couple of flipping functions.

Align Bottom (6) pushes all selected objects to the bottom of the bounding box, that surrounds the group.A single object would be aligned to the middle of the canvas. Align Middle (5) pushes all selected objects to the middle of the bounding box, that surrounds the group.A single object would be aligned to the top of the canvas. Align Top (4) pushes all selected objects to the top of the bounding box, that surrounds the group.A single object would be aligned to the right of the canvas. Align Right (3) pushes all selected objects to the right side of the bounding box that surrounds the group.A single object would be aligned to the center of the canvas. Align Center (2) put all selected objects in the center of the group.A single object would be aligned to the left of the canvas. Align Left (1) pushes all selected objects to the left side of the bounding box that surrounds the group.The Align sub-menu contains various alignment options: Send to Back (4) moves an object behind all other objects.Send Backward (3) moves an object backward one position.Bring Forward (2) moves an object forward one position.Bring to Front (1) moves an object in front of all other objects.The Arrange sub-menu allows you to change the position of an object or a group of objects within the Layers panel.
The Modify menu gives you options for aligning, distributing, arranging, transforming, grouping, and compounding object, plus modifying paths and symbols.