Our Sailing Trips invite you to spend a week experiencing the best of the sea and land in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. Our Mini Trips are small and mighty - they squeeze all the excitement and authenticity of our longer Epic Trips into a manageable 3-5 day window. Epic Trips are deeply immersive 8 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and enough down time to really relax and soak it all in. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travellers and friends who want to explore the world together. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Epic Trips, Mini Trips and Sailing Trips. Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special. Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful - and this is still in our DNA today. There’s hope for some kind of change.Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel – and the direction Culture Trip is moving in. Add to that the idea of school strikes, which also promote an emotional response in adults. You see in Hong Kong all the electronic digital platforms and communication methods that have to change and constantly be updated and evolve to stay ahead.
It’s a movement that understands how the instruments of law work, and how to push at the right places in order to get the point across. Now, you look at movements like the Extinction Rebellion - it’s very tactical and well thought-out. I always disagreed, but when I look back at it, I think he’s right. Me and Adam always talked about punk rock and what was the next punk, and he'd always tell me that punk was just another form of conservatism - that generation helped to end any hope of socialist values entering the mainstream. The show presents these questions in a very open way.ĭo you think it’s harder for the youth today to rebel in this era, where data is mined and eventually regurgitated into these controlling mechanisms? Does it impair us? Does it give us the alternate conspiracies and unlock secrets we need to find out about, the same way journalism does? Or does it distract and disempower us from the truth that’s really around us? Is it another form of control? What we’re trying to do with the show is challenge a bit of that and challenge ourselves at the same time, because we have the ability to pick and choose which bits of information we want to believe in. It’s very easy to exist in your own bubble as well reported - the reinforcement of the idea that you surround yourself with information that you believe in, whether it’s conspiratorial, sexual, or filtered political information. You’d have a lot of unhappy people regretting everything if they didn’t create the belief system in which they could explain all their choices and feel like they’ve done the right thing. As human beings, we create belief systems that make us feel happy with the choices we make. You can quite happily exist in your own version of the world built around you, which you can build for yourself. This kind of technology helps keep Del Naja inspired: “It’s good to understand the technology that lies behind these platforms and technologies in order to try and do something unique with it, because otherwise everything would become more and more predictable.” Onstage, the band is framed by an LED show that looks like the guts of an alien computer. artist” named Mario Klingemann, creating new and unsettling images. The result is a spectacle both contemporary and delicious: for one set of visuals, Del Naja plugged Instagram data into a Generative Adversarial Network developed by “a really brilliant German A.I. The new show further explores systems of control and power, and how nostalgia for, say, a “trip-hop” band could into feed them. Mezzaninexxiis an extension of “Massive Attack V Adam Curtis,” a 2013 art project on the surveillance state that captured the pervasive global unease ignited by Edward Snowden’s revelations.

Elizabeth Fraser announces Sun’s Signature EP, shares “Golden Air”