You could also donate money to the lucky cat statue in the detective office, and would be able to get that money in Eternal Punishment. If you renamed Tatsuya in Innocent Sin, you could have that name carry over for Tatsuya, and would also change Katsuya’s last name if you changed Tatsuya’s last name. Since both games didn’t release on the same platform in the west, there were a couple of features that can’t be used. I played the game on a PSTV, which is basically a Vita you hook up to your TV. Instead, Eternal Punishment on PS1 was put up on the Playstation Network store, playable on PS3, PSP, Vita, and PSTV.
#Persona 2 sumaru tv psp#
We were never given a reason why EP on PSP did not release in the west. Innocent Sin got a PSP enhanced port and that released in the west this time, however Eternal Punishment’s PSP port did not. You would definitely be confused about a lot of things, and some things in the game play on your recognition of how they were in Innocent Sin. I found this decision to be kind of baffling, since Eternal Punishment is a sequel to Innocent Sin, and I feel like if you didn’t play it you are missing A LOT. Persona 2 Eternal Punishment on the PS1 was released in the west. Persona 2 Innocent Sin on PS1 was never released in the west, likely due to one of the antagonists being Hitler with a group of Nazis. The English release history of this game is weird, as the early Persona titles seem to always be. He wants Maya to not remember any of it so she does not suffer the same fate again. Eternal Punishment takes place in this world, but Tatsuya still holds onto memories of what happened on the “other side”. When discussing with Philemon, the cast were told they could create another world where none of this would happen, and all of the cast of the original would forget each other. This was to fulfill the Oracle of Maia and cause the Grand Cross to happen, destroying Earth outside of Sumaru City, which was safely afloat on Xibalba. Images are flashed back of things that happened in Innocent Sin: Xibalba, the Aerospace Museum, and of course the event that led to this circumstance, Maya being stabbed and killed by the Spear of Destiny by Maya “Ms. When this happens, Maya develops a mysterious bruise on her torso. At the start, you’re in the shoes of Maya Amano and bump into Tatsuya Suou, who you get an extreme sense of deja vu about. Persona 2 Eternal Punishment is the sequel to Innocent Sin, and picks up right where Innocent Sin left off. I’ll be referring to it as the Masked Circle. For instance, the Masked Circle in Innocent Sin PSP is called “The Masquerade” in Eternal Punishment PS1. There’s also some things that were localized one way in this localization, and then were localized differently in the Innocent Sin PSP localization, so I will be using the names from the Innocent Sin PSP version. Many of the characters in Persona 1 had nicknames like this, and some had them in Persona 2 as well. The names in quotes, “Elly” in the example above, was that character’s official nickname in the Japanese version.

In the above example, “Ellen” was the Revelations: Persona English name. These English names will be noted like this when they are introduced: Eriko “Elly” Kirishima

I will be referring to characters by their actual names, rather than the English ones given to them in Revelations: Persona. Something to note: Since this is the PS1 version of Eternal Punishment, the only way to play it fully in English, some of the names in this localization were based on the original English localization of Persona 1 (Revelations: Persona). If I spoil any other games (such as P3/P4/P5), I WILL mark those spoilers and specify which game they are. A lot of things in EP build on things that happened in IS. I’m taking this approach as opposed to the one I took with Persona 1 and Innocent Sin because Eternal Punishment is the sequel to IS, and you should really play IS first. Obviously by the tag, there will be unmarked spoilers for both this game AND INNOCENT SIN.